How to Choose the Best Solar Panel Installer in Sydney

If you’re planning to install solar panels in your home or business in Sydney, it’s important to choose the right solar panel installer. The installer you choose can make or break your solar project, so it’s crucial to do your research and choose a reputable and experienced installer. Here are some tips on how to choose the best solar panel installer in Sydney.

  • Check the installer’s credentials and experience

The first thing you should do when researching solar panel installers is to check their credentials and experience. Look for installers who are licensed and certified by the Clean Energy Council (CEC) or other industry bodies. You can also check the installer’s website or online reviews to see how long they’ve been in business and what kind of experience they have.

  • Get multiple quotes and compare

It’s always a good idea to get multiple quotes from different solar panel installers and compare them. This will give you a better idea of the market rate for solar installation and help you identify any red flags or outliers. When comparing quotes, make sure you’re comparing apples to apples – that is, that each quote includes the same scope of work and equipment.

  • Check the quality of their products

The quality of the solar panels and other equipment used by the installer is another important factor to consider. Make sure the installer uses high-quality, reputable brands with good warranties. Ask the installer about the expected lifespan of the equipment and any maintenance requirements.

  • Consider the installer’s after-sales service

A reputable solar panel installer will provide ongoing after-sales service and support. This includes regular maintenance, system monitoring, and troubleshooting. Make sure you ask the installer about their after-sales service and what kind of support they provide after the installation is complete.

  • Look for reviews and testimonials

Finally, don’t forget to check the installer’s online reviews and testimonials. This will give you an idea of what other customers have experienced with the installer and whether they’re satisfied with the quality of the installation and the level of service provided.


At Yello Energy Group, we pride ourselves on being one of the best solar panel installers in Sydney. We’re CEC certified, with years of experience in the solar installation industry. We use high-quality products and provide ongoing after-sales service and support to ensure your solar installation performs optimally for years to come. Contact us today to learn more about our solar installation services.


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